Infection Control Cleaning- Clean ALL High Contact Surfaces


To assist in preventing transmission in an outbreak setting, frequently touched environmental surfaces such as door handles, bathroom taps, lift buttons, washrooms, phones and tables should be cleaned more frequently than the routinely recommended daily cleaning.


Gather all your necessary cleaning supplies that are needed to disinfect the high contact areas.

Supplies and Equipment Needed:-

  • Latex/Nitrile / Synthetic/Vinyl Gloves

  • Disinfectant Spray - Hospital Grade

  • Microfibre cleaning cloths/ disposable rags or paper towels

  • Safety Glasses


Put on the PPE (Safety Glasses and Golves).

Use a disinfectant spray to wipe down the exterior of the surface that you are disinfecting with the microfibre cleaning cloths/disposable rags or paper towels. Sponges are not recommended due to the potential of spreading bacteria to other areas. Microfibre cloths/disinfecting wipes, disposable rags or paper towels are best for wiping down surfaces.

Clean Up

Make sure to always clean up when you have finished disinfecting the high contact surfaces.

Properly dispose of all disinfecting wipes, rags or paper towels and if you have used re-usable microfibre cloths they should be cleaned and dried before they are used again.

Take off your protective gloves and dispose of them. If they are not a disposable pair, make sure they are properly labeled for use only in those particular areas to avoid cross-contamination.